Dar Al Huda Saturday School

Islamic Saturday School – Franklin, Michigan


General Information & Rules for Dar Al-Huda School

1. The students should report to school between 9:30-9:45 to attend the morning- prayer. The first period of school begins at 10:00 am.

2. Coming to school on time greatly impacts the student’s success in the school. Tardiness will affect the student’s performance because of missed instructional time.

3. School Doors are locked at 10:00 am. After 10:00 am please ring doorbell and report to the office for an excusal slip.

4. If the student is Tardy (late) 3 times or more the student may be disciplined by time off recess

5. Absences greatly affect a student’s performance. Because Dar Al-Huda is a once a week school, missing 1 day will greatly impact learning and grades. Absences should only occur when extremely necessary.

-We do not allow the student to leave the school building without the permission of the class teacher and the knowledge of the parents.

-The school does not allow students to leave the school with other parents/friends, unless the school is informed in advance in writing who is permitted to pick up their children

– We do not allow for students waiting for their parents outside the school door unless accompanied by one of the officials at the school.

– If you would like to speak with your child’s teacher, kindly make an appointment to meet with the teacher before or after school to avoid disrupting class time.

– If you must enter the building, please park your car in a designated parking spot, and do not park in front of the building.  Franklin Police may ticket cars for illegal parking.

– Please never leave children unattended in your vehicle at anytime.

– Students are expected to use good manners and behave well. Bullying will NOT be tolerated by anyone.

– Inappropriate language will be tolerated.

– Respect all teachers, administration, and staff.

– Students should respect the school building and masjid area. Students must enter the masjid in a respectful and calm way.

– Any vandalism of school property will not be tolerated.  If damage is done, the student will be required to pay for any damages.

– Students are not permitted to bring electronics to school (including gaming consoles, cell phones, etc.)

  • If a cell phone is brought to school, it must always remain in the student’s backpack and be turned off or on silent.  If the student is caught using electronics during class time, the administration will take the device and return it to parents at dismissal time.

– If misbehavior occurs, the following procedure will be followed:

First Offense: The student is orally reprimanded.

Second Offense: Inform parents by phone or email.

Third Offense: Meeting with the parents and school administration to discuss further

actions to be taken

The student is orally reprimanded.

Inform parents by phone or email.

a meeting with the parents and the school’s commitment to enforce the rules.

– Students should respect the school building and masjid area.  Students should enter the masjid in a respectful and calm way.

– Any vandalism of school property will not be tolerated.  If damage is done, the student will be required to pay for any damages.

– The following items are not allowed in the building;

iPod – Cell Phone – magazines – toys – Make-up

If a cell phone is brought to school, it must remain in the student’s backpack at all times and be turned off or on silent.  If the student is caught using electronics during class time, the administration will take the device and return it to parents at dismissal time.

– Dar al Huda is an Islamic School that gives great importance to Islamic dress and attire.  All students must come to school in the appropriate Islamic attire.

Girls must wear loose, modest clothing such as a long skirt or loose fitting pants with a long shirt. Girls should also bring prayer clothing

Boys must wear long pants or knee length shorts and long-sleeves or t-shirts. Tank tops are not allowed.

– Homework plays an important role and goes hand in hand with your child’s success therefore making sure your child is completing their weekly assignments is very crucial in their performance.

– If your child is absent please check your child’s class page to go over what was missed.

– Students are expected to come prepared every week with all of their books and supplies